Tongwei holds annual training for financial officers

  December, 20 -23, Tongwei group held 2010 annual training for financial officers from subsidiaries. Board chairman Liu Hanyuan, general manager Yan Hu, CFO Zhuo Yujiao, and Yuan Shihua attended the training and made keynote speeches.

  Mr. Liu made emphasized on the importance of EQ improvement, and effective comprehensive financial management. He said, financial officers need to devote 80% of their time to production and operation.

  Also at the training, Mr. Yan made a presentation on the company’s current status and future development. He made higher requirements for the company’s financial work, and encouraged financial managers to keep studying and taking the lead for their teams. Ms. Zhuo specifically talked about career planning of senior financial management personnel, combining the country’s demand of financial talents with Tongwei’s future growth. Mr. Yuan focused on Tongwei’s financial accounting and management development for the past 10 years, as well as its future planning.