CCTV interviews Chairman Liu

With the acceleration of human civilization and social development, traditional fossil fuels are on the verge of depletion. Mine accidents, pollution, carbon emissions, and greenhouse effect are becoming haunting problems confronting human beings. Therefore, exploring sustainable clean energy has become a global consensus. September, 16, standing committee member of the CPPCC, and board chairman of Tongwei Group received interview by the program of Economic 30 Minutes of CCTV on the development prospect of the new energy industry, and hot issues in the PV industry, as well as the transition from ‘Made in China’ towards ‘Created by China’.

On the price fluctuation of poly-silicon, Mr. Liu analyzed the unique correlation of price, technique, and market at typical historic fluctuation periods. He said, after the 2008 financial crisis, the poly-silicon price fell back. Now it is gradually stabilized at 60-70 USD/kg.

Poly-silicon is the raw material for integrated circuit production, said Mr. Liu, and is also used for computer parts and accessories. The improved integration resulted in capacity shortage. The original capacity was mainly from some major companies in Germany, Japan, and the U.S, who monopolize techniques and the industry. The price hence went up due to short supply over some special period. It will finally fall back to normal. As technology improves, the scale effect gets stronger. The price will fall and stays low. We consider this to be the normal trend for an industry’s development.

According to the necessary requirements of continuous revolution and social advance, Mr. Liu gave confirmation and credit to the PV industry’s prospect. He said, technologically, there is still much room for the growth of polysilicon manufacturing techniques. During the process of industrial technical advance and scaling-up, with the lowering of production costs, consumption and price, the base for promotion is strengthened, which makes for cost advantages. From the perspective of the past experience and future prospective, the price of coal and oil will only continue to go up because of its unsustainable and unrecoverable features. The price of PV generation, however, will keep decreasing with the maturization of techniques and the industry.

Furthermore, Mr. Liu aired his view on what needs to be done for Chinese companies to turn Made in China into Created by China. He said, we should look at China’s development with a peaceful attitude. With the scaling up of Made in China, the growing capability of industrial concentration, corporate/social investment and R&D will bring out more Made/invented by China products, which will form leading industries for the world’s economy. We should take into consideration the existing value of our cause, and social division of labor. Also, we shall follow the rules, respect history during the process of our R&D strengthening. Looking into the future, we are bound to have more potential for existence and development. Turning Made in China into Created by China, and leading the world’s economy - this is the trend for China’s development in next 20-30 years.