TW selected MVME

December, 2, launched by Talents Magazine, the 11th China Management Annual Conference was held in Beijing. Deputy Chairman of the NPC standing committee Chen Changzhi, Primary chairman of the Democratic National Construction Association Zhang Rongming, as well as officials from Ministry of Finance, Industry and Information attended the meeting. Standing committee member of the CPPCC, board chairman of Tongwei Group Mr. Liu Hanyuan was invited to attend the conference. Tongwei Group received the honor of the 11th China Management Conference- the Most Valuable Management Enterprise.

At the forum, Mr. Liu Hanyuan said, it is crucial for the economy of Europe, the U.S., and China for the next 30-50 years to find emerging industries of sustainable development. If western China could develop new energy as its top priority, and balance the PV solar energy, and clean energy with the middle western, and middle eastern China, then China will maintain sustainable development for a long time.