Chairman Liu receives excellent proposal award

October,12, the awarding ceremony of excellent proposals for the 11th CPPCC session was held in Beijing. The proposal by Chairman Liu Hanyuan "Accelerating the development of PV industry, constructing China’s energy safety supply system "(proposal No.2468 ) was selected proposal of excellence.

Energy plays a crucial role in China’s economic and social development, especially when China’s energy consumption grows enormously. In 2011, China consumed 3.48 billion tons of coal. The country exceeded the US and became the world’s biggest energy consumer, with its consumption exceeding 20% of the world’s total.

Under the background, Mr. Liu Hanyuan made the proposal of "Accelerating the development of PV industry, constructing China’s energy safety supply system" for the first time in 2008 during the Two Sessions. The proposal reviews China’s current status of irrational energy structure, analyzes reasons for the PV industry’s slow growth, and brings up forward-looking suggestions and solutions to the existing problems. Chairman Liu’s proposal received high credit and confirmation by the NDRC, which promised to offer greater policy and measurement support accordingly for China’s PV industry.

According to the proposal, from the aspects of China’s long-term sustainable development and fundamental interest, for the purpose of energy serving, emission reduction and economic mode transition, China is ready and is superior to any other country in the world for promoting the PV industry development, by means of expanding installed capacity and accelerating PV generation construction in Western China to further gradually form a clean energy supply base. During this process, energy consumption problems could be better solved, which is a steadfast step toward China’s peaceful rising as a responsible power in the international arena.

Since 1998, the 1st session of the 9th CPPCC, Mr. Liu Hanyuan has submitted over 80 proposals with constructive suggestions and forward-looking ideas for China’s economic and social development.