The party central emphasis on promoting ecological civilization Tongwei PV & Fisheries meet new opportunity


On May 5th, the Xinhua News Agency broadcasted the Opinions about Accelerate the Construction of Ecological Civilization published by the CCPCC and State Council, which is a comprehensive plan of central government for ecological civilization after the high level design of 18th National Congress of CPC , the Third and Four Plenary Session of the 18th of CCPCC.

As we all know that ecological civilization construction is an important part of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is related with the happiness and future of whole people, the struggle objective of “Two Centuries” and the realization of the Chinese dream and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The publishment of the Opinions showed the high attention of the CCPCC and State Council to the ecological civilization construction.

Among them, the idea to emphasis the optimization of national spatial development pattern, comprehensively promote the solve the utilization of resources,strengthen the natural ecological system and the environment protection and big push to promote green development, circular development and low carbon development just coincided with Tongwei’s “Fisheries &PV Integration”distributed PV power generation development strategy.

And now, the Opinions point out that the government will further optimize national spatial development pattern, high efficiently utilize the resource, which is a good news for Tongwei’s PV development strategy. Tongwei will actively explore and develop in the new energy industry, and firmly push forward the development of PV industry and realize the combination and synergetic development of ecological fishery and solar PV, so as to realize the harvest of fish, power and green, fulfill the concrete implementation of the Opinions of the CCPCC and State Council by really practical action.