Tongwei Once Again Spotlighted by CCTV-2 Finance Channel, Interpreting Development of PV Industry Chain

With NPC and CPPCC to be convened soon in 2022 and within the context of carbon neutrality, the sustainable and healthy development of the renewable energy industry represented by PV draws intensive attention from all sectors. On February 28, the ZDCJ programme of CCTV-2 Finance Channel aired the special report Survey of PV Industry Chain. Organized by the Group's Brand Management Center, the CCTV journalist interviewed Mr. Liu Hanyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC, Deputy to the NPC and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tongwei Group, regarding the hot topics such as cost reduction and efficiency enhancement and intensified coordination of the PV industry. 

According to the report of CCTV, the PV industry chain roughly consists of four parts sequentially: silicon material, silicon wafer, solar cell and module. The end part is power generation system. By now, Tongwei has established a PV new energy industry chain protected by proprietary intellectual property rights. Regarding how the downstream enterprises in the PV industry chain can reduce cost and enhance efficiency, Chairman Liu Hanyuan said in the interview that the team working on solar cell should make more improvements regarding technological R&D, product performance and cost control and thus provide better products and services for module production.

Intelligent manufacturing workshop of TW Solar

The CCTV report also noted that many enterprises have expanded production given wider application of PV power generation and rapid growth of PV industry. In 2021, at least 13 upstream and downstream enterprises producing silicon materials announced new capacity or expanded capacity of polycrystalline silicon production, and the total capacity reached 2,090,000t/a. In addition to direct investment in capacity expansion, the downstream leading enterprises also started holding equity interests of the silicon materials enterprises to secure their supply of raw materials. In last February, Tongwei Co., Ltd. and Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement and reached consensus on co-investing in the 45,000t/a high-purity crystalline silicon project and establishing cooperation in the supply chain.

Chairman Liu Hanyuan in an interview with the journalist